Here is the reply to Devi's tag
*Last movie you saw in a theater - Madambi, not that bad.
*What book are you reading- Royal Enfield Owners manual

*Favorite board game - darts
*Favorite smells - The smell that comes when the first rain hits ground after long summer, though there is nothing good smelling, it gives me a fresh new feeling. And obviously the smell of my favorite cuisines.
*Favorite sound - my mom's, thumping of a Royal Enfield bullet engine, violin.
*Worst feeling in the world - I agree with Devi- Loneliness, and feeling of losing something.
*What is the first thing you think of when you wake up - last night's dream.
*Favorite fast food place - Hotel New Double X, Trichur.
*Future child's name - I'll have to put a list. "ll consider my life partner's decision.
*Finish this statement. "If I had a lot of money, I'd" buy the worlds best cruiser bike and go for a world trip with my comrade with all the accessories needed. And then I'll buy a plot in the Maldives and live there with my life partner enjoying, swimming, fishing and a lot of interesting activities.
*Do you drive fast - depends on the situation, usually I don't. I love biking so I prefer a moderate speed, enjoying the ride.
*Do you sleep with a stuffed animal - ha ha ha I sleep with my roommates.
*Storms - Cool or scary - cool.
*What was your first car- Owned?-Actually it was not a car, it was a Jeep.(Mahindra and Mahindra)
*Favorite drink - Apple and Grape wine in small amounts.
*Finish this statement. "If I had the time, I would..." - waste it. And I'm doing it.
*Do you eat the stems on broccoli?- No
*If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice? -Green ;)
*Name all the different cities/towns you have lived in - Thrissur, Thiruvananthapuram, Thodupuzha,Nagpur.
*Favorite sports to watch - sprint
*One nice thing about the person who sent this to you - Loving comrade of mine.
*What's under your bed?- magazines which I read just before I sleep.
*Would you like to be born as yourself again? - Yup, definitely.
*Morning person or night owl -both
*Over easy or sunny side up - Over easy.
*Favorite place to relax - lap of my Mom.
*Favorite pie - Apple
*Favorite ice cream flavor - Strawberry
As Devi said, when I started it was boring but as it came down it's very interesting...
So here I tag the first person who comments on this post.