Ratan Tata announced about the project to launch a people's car, a car with an affordable price for the common people, a decade ago and it was launched on January 2008 in Delhi Auto Expo, with an interesting price 1 lakh(2500$).
In our country it's very common to see scooter families, Dad in the driver seat,Mum holding a child sitting in the back seat,another child in between them and one in front of Dad, going through the " best roads " in our country(in rainy season too). TATA NANO is dedicated to all such families.
It's beautiful aerodynamic design and good finish distinguishes it from MARUTI SUZUKI's "people's car" MARUTI 800. Though our little beauty has comparatively less engine power than 800, it has got many other advantages.
TATA NANO------------MARUTI 800
Engine 623 cc ----------------796 cc
Power 33 ps ------------------ 37 ps
Mileage 20 km/l---------------18km/l
Spacing more -----------------comparatively less
Design best-------------------- good
Finish best ---------------------bad
Overall styling best ----------not stylish
Price 1 lakh*--------------------1.87 lakh*
So before deciding to buy a MARUTI 800, test drive the TATA NANO. More technical description is given below:-
With a length of 3.1 meters, width of 1.5 meters and height of 1.6 meters and with adequate ground clearance, it can be effortlessly driven in busy roads and cities.
The car is powered by an all, 624cc fuel injected petrol engine in the rear of the car. The car produces 33 bhp and this could give it similar performance to the heavier but more powerful MARUTI 800 that makes 37 bhp. The engine is mated to a four speed manual transmission and Tata are in the process of developing a CVT automatic transmission.
TATA offers a price of 1lakh(ex showroom) for it's magic wand NANO, though the on road price may be 1.25 lakhs or more.
Not only families but also the dashing teens and youths may also try this four wheeler instead of buying a 200cc or above bikes.
The features can be summed up as follows:-
. All sheet-metal body, strong passenger compartment
. intrusion-resistant doors
. seat belts
. strong seats and anchorages
. tailgate glass bonded to the body
. tubeless tyres
. lower pollution level than two-wheelers being manufactured in India
. rear-wheel drive
. all-aluminium, two-cylinder, 623 cc, 33 PS, multi point fuel injection petrol engine
. performance controlled by a specially designed electronic engine management system
. length: 3.1 meters
. width: 1.5 meters
. height: 1.6 meters
. 4 seats
. 4 doors
No comments over the post.
Hats off for being a regular blogger..
its nice to read that technology has improved to such an extent....
now for a change we can see more of nano than 800..
keep telling us more about the technical stuffs.
your post explains completely about the subject
Is "no comment" a "good comment"?
confusing right...
nice work there.. really comprehensive review. read it last day.. but among all the hype, have u ever noticed the problem that's becoming more and more highlighted everyday around us? how easily can u find a parking place for your car in trissur town itself? and now jus imagine all the two wheeler families converting to a car, how ever small it is..!! imagine the chaos that'll create. imagine parking the car a neat kilometer away and walking in the blazing sun back to your office, where the primary purpose of having a car is defeated.
even while appreciating tata's efforts and the promptness in keeping his word is impressive, u've to think in the big picture. with the amount of roads we've, we're already due to throw away 15% of our vehicles on road. and with the amount of vehicles increasing exponentially everyday, how are we supposed to cope up?
even though tata can dream of a car for all, is that all that practical?
i really feel that what we need in the present situation is the systematic development in the basic sectors developing roads, creating efficient parking by aiming to utilize every cubic cm of space. also we need better public transport systems which can accommodate the growing rush of people,on the safer side of the environment, and economical.
@ Raman
Sure Rama, I'll try to inform you all more about the advancements in technology at least in automobile industry... and let us wait and see whether TATA NANO 'll replace MARUTHI 800, and make common people's dream true...
@ Nivil
First of all thank you for your response.
What you said is absalutely true, parking area and traffic jams are major problems we are across and gonna face it in it's most furious form in the coming decades, but how can we disdain the developements in technology just because of the awkwardness of our Government!!!
It's true that it's effortful to drive a car through the cities, but the developements in technology could not be and should not be obstucted because of faults from the side of our Govt. Unfortunately our public structure is a complex one.
All the two wheeler families dreams about a car, which they can afford, and how can we suppress there emotions???
Our govt should build some laws,like the compulsory parking areas for shopping malls and also should manage to build some parking areas in towns, and as you said, a better public transport structure can do the rest...
Anyway TATA 'd made an outstanding move in the automobile industry not only in INDIA but also all over the world...
i really agree with you on the matter. we can never keep technology one side waiting for conditions become favorable. after all, we engineers are the one who are to be at the helm of such
as i said earlier, we need the system to evolve side by side with the technology. if not at the same pace, at least a couple of years behind. it's all that is acceptable. rather than trying to increase the figures in the pass books or sending wards abroad, what the leaders should aim at is to provide hassle free life to the public, which sadly to point out,has never been the case as we can very well see.
in many of our earlier discussions, if you remember, the same point had come up many a times. in the recent past, i remember a leader mentioning that socialism will stand the final winner however long it may take, in the face of capitalism.
China, the country which stood out for it's typical orthodox socialist economy, now is under the heavy influence of capitalism.that is an understatement though. experts call it a neo-capitalist economy. remember, china is where the great minds of Mao was framed. what good it has brought? well, china is one among the leading economies in the world with a size of over 3,00,000 crore dollars. it is also the economy the world is looking up to to rise from the ecomomical crisis brought abot by the crumblimg us economy.
what does this tell us? the answer is simple. rather than holding on to age old principles that held good in a society that framed it, our policy makers have t o move ahead and think in the present century. to be able to see the need of the society and look for sustainable development focusing on long term goals.
for that to happen, i feel, we need young, energetic, vibrant and uncorrupted leaders, strong citizen and above all a strong sense of belonging and mutual respect.
oh.... good entry (technically sound, very newspaper like). But my voice is with Nivil. He has said it. After reading all of his comment, juz the one last word I would like to highlight to
You are sticking to ur bloody damn technology rise, but none can allow technological advancement if they turn against the humans. Well I wont say govt is doing enough, but the govt should show the same enthusiasm in building up a better n more efficient public transport system before joining hands with private sector and tuning to technology. Tata , if they are really wishing the welfare of Indian families, do have lot of other ways to do it , like providing more buses n to public transport, better roads n amenities that will serve the society in a better way.
The introduction of Tata Nano -> gives us a glimpse of the leaping technological world, will help 'some more' Indian middle class families, will make Ratan Tata richer,.. hmm thats all the advantages (any other, bristow?)
Now disadvantges->the parking space, an added dose of pollution, demand for metal(its not a silly one dude!), increasing no. of accidents, more n more such stupid items will soon approach the Indian markets , now again goes back to the start like recursion.....
Tell me is it more advantageous or the other way around ?
hi hi , interestingly, I juz happened to switch on to Star News n saw an interview of Dr Sunita Narain( she is quite famous, many will recognise her by face atleast) absolutely relating to this topic which nivil brought out
And I wish Bristow had seen it..
Juz some facts I got from that interview
In the US, public pays $30, in London its 20 pounds and in Delhi its juz Rs 10 that it costs a parking lot. So a thing govt can do is increase it atleast to Rs 100.in metroes( it will hav an impact on the no. of people taking cars to office/elsewhere n thus the need for the cars itself )
A bus pays more tax than a car whereas a bus can take more no. of people( more than 10 times how much a car can). ?
If u tell me which one takes more space, a bus or 10 cars, ...? Govt can increase the tax.( Now 1 lakh aint enuf for Nano)
The Tata Nano may be a sigh of relief for some people but they will have to pay the price for parking and traffic blocks, especially in the metroes.. So Mr Ratan Tata, everyone wud be happier if we gotta see a Nano Bus rather than a car..
ONly one comment frm this whole lot - Tata Nano not a people's car, its juz another business trick..
All the problems you pointed out here are absolutely true. Our roads and traffic systems are not plenteous for the present population. A suitable,sufficient and a permenant solution should be found out as soon as possible.
The social infrastructure of our country embody many sectors. Inorder to have a smooth running- life for we humans all the sectors should work properly and in proper synchronization with each other and should be up to date. Each and every sector comprising the social infrastructure has been consigned there own duties or jobs to perform.
Science is assigned the duty of providing better living provisions for man,to maintain it properly and in harmony with the nature.
So coming to the topic, I'll try to put my points about the problems you commented here about the introduction of TATA NANO in the automobile industry.
@Rohith and Nivil
About the interest of TATA in the welfare of Indian families. May I remind you Rohith, TATA is not a 'POTHU JANA SEVA' TRUST or something like that. It's a leading enterprise or concern. And about providing buses, TATA is providing a wide range of buses ((latest news- Tata Motors plans to create a new platform to manufacture buses utilizing the latest technologies available with Hispano of Spain and Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicle Company (TDCV) of Korea. The new platform is to create a globally uniform bus)) how can we ask RATAN TATA to provide roads and better amenities,it'll be just like insulting our Resp.GOVT.
And about the advantages. A wide variety of advantages in corresponding areas. Obviously it 'll proliferate TATA's turn over.
Disadvantages(according to you)- parking space, accidents and such stupid things results from the contemptible condition of our public system. And it can only be elucidated by our GOVT.
And about the iniquity the little NANO causes to our environment- for your kind information, The People’s Car’s tailpipe emission performance exceeds regulatory requirements. In terms of overall pollutants, it has a lower pollution level than two-wheelers being manufactured in India today. The high fuel efficiency also ensures that the car has low carbon dioxide emissions, thereby providing the twin benefits of an affordable transportation solution with a low carbon footprint...
And about the usage of bus instead of car- we can afford it in some situations, but a car rather than a bus is more private.
And about using bus as a family vehicle, I think only the Malappuram district people can admit it(in reference with the number of family members).
As a cessation, being an optimist, TATA has done a fabulous work and definitely it'll make a remarkable move in the automobile industry not only in INDIA but also all over the world.
@ Nivil, Rohith
Did I make enough? Just think about the effort behind the production of this vehicle and about the perfection, though there are disadvantages, moreover disservices, they all can be and should be rectified.
@ nivil
Cars came first, Roads came next...
So don't worry about traffic jams... as the number of vehicles increase, the govt. will be building new roads n improving the existing ones... n for ur info the govt. has already started building new roads n flyovers in major cities to avert the 'impending disaster'.....
@ rohith
'none can allow technological advancement if they turn against the humans'...r u talking about 'i robot' or 'Terminator'...
n don't drag Dr.Sunita Narain into it...first of all most of us don't know her...n secondly, she is a doctor n v r talking about automobiles...she is totally irrelevant in the current context...
And, cars r meant for private transport n buses r meant for public transport.plz get that into ur head.u should be knowing that, u r an adult now...
Tata nano is meant to be a family car(private use) n what's the use of making a nano bus.only the malappuram people may find use for it as a family vehicle.n if they r to be used as public transport, u should be knowing that even the giant buses running up n down our roads r too crowded n doesn't meet our needs of safe n comfortable travel...
In US, they r made to pay 30$ n in UK, 20 pounds for parking not because the govt. is desperately in need of money or they want to discourage them from taking their cars to work. its because most of these parking lots r privately owned n they don't make parking lots for charity...
@ rohith
just kidding about Dr.Sunita Narain. V r ordinary B.Tech. students n don't have the level of knowledge she might have.Let's talk on even grounds...
n about Mr.Ratan Tata making money. Who doesn't want to make money? Did u join B.Tech. to get a nice job n make money or to save the hungry millions in Africa or to protest against the US-led war on terror. If u want to help people n fight for the common man's cause, quit B.tech. n join the social service guys...
great talk going on here
sethu, has pointed out good points and i agree with him
well.. cool reply from the legend.. THis is a debatable issue like who came first , the hen or the egg.. I dont disagree with sam or bristo but still stick to wat I n nivil said..
well one more point I wud like to make clear here.. The whole thing I wrote here is not intended to mean that Tata should stop producing cars n private vehicles n start investing for a pothu jana seva and ,make more buses.
Wat I meant is that if they are really having a concern for the welfare of scooter families, they can do it in many better ways, though this one isnt bad either. their motto -> people's car is quite irrelevant ,this one is also juz another car, only with some mere advantages this blog elucidates.. got me?
"...If u want to help people n fight for the common man's cause, quit B.tech. n join the social service guys..." ( highlights the fact that u hav absolutely no interest towards this)
hell with u man, these shouldnt be the words of a so called Sakhav MS (communist), dont forget...
anyway ur description is superb,
@Raman, Rohith, Nivil
Sethu had given a magnificent comment about the current topic.
He had written all the points relevant to this topic through his humor mixed comments. And I think that comments are enough for Nivil's and Rohith's comments.
And after all, what is common in all arguments is that our public system must be rehabilitated with in no time(I don't know to what extend this is possible).
And let us hope the coming Governments will make enough for our worries...
@ rohith
hey...hey...hey...look who's talking?
well...well...what do u know?! it's our good old 'social service' guy...how was ur day? saving the starving millions??? more anti-war rallies???
r u talking about 'my' ethics? i think u didn't read it carefully enough...i guess i have used 'v' only one time in that comment, the rest is all 'u'...i'm not the guy who's "against" providing affordable means of transport for the lower end of our burgeoning middle class...writing so doesn't mean that i have had an ideological shift, n i'm still into serving the people's cause n fighting for the students' rights...i'm talking about 'U'...is that big enough for 'U' to see...
guys.. chill..
saami's all heated up because rohith questioned his ethics. in a way, his basis of existence has been questioned by rohit. let me tell you one thing saami, if the statement you made does not stand, you shouldn't have made them in the first place. when your own statement backfires on you, there's no use of boiling.
nice work rohith. you did a good job.
let me make my point clear, which i believe, you all have got wrong. i for that matter rohit too,is not downgrading the work that has been put forth from tata towards bringing out such a magnificent product, into a society which is always looking for more value for the money they are paying. may be you've heard of the tata indica's ad claiming "more car per car' . and tata has done it again. so much for the little amount of money you pay compared to other cars.
but the point i wanted to stress upon is the claim that tata is bringing a huge relif to the mid-class society. we all very well know the mind set of our people. even if you don't know to drive a car, there should be a car in the poarch. it's a prestige issue. this outlook coupled with the surge of the teenage blood, can really mean just one thing;-trouble.
no time now.. will write the rest l8r
good lord...
controversies creeping all around.. sami don't drag me into ur stupid ideologies.. lemme make one point clear.. If u can point out one single statement I quoted which mentions I hav all too much interest about this social service crap( bristo dont put oil on raging fire), I will get u one Marlboro packet.. for sure.. stop this nonsense first of all.. none is goin to africa nor for any shit..
we are talking about Tata Nano and the reason u cud blame me of social causes, is because I told the author there are many better ways Tata can implement it And mind u all, I NEVER blamed Tata being an evil to our society or that this Tata should be banned.. Got me ?
Its disadvantages n crap struck me more... So I tried to express it thru my comment.. diff people, diff opinions.. u don't poke ur nose into this shit atleast unnecessarily...
And about why I questiond ur ethics.. thats coz ur words don't hold any courtesy .. I mean they are rude.. so its like u don't mean to do it personally in anyway.. NOw it doesnt matter whether u are talkin of students or otherwise in general.
As wat nivil said, it juz backfired...If I offended u then sorry,
afterall this blog is doing wat u gav in ur last entry.. !
A person having a similar point of view as urs doesnt mean he has got all the relevant points.. Dont make an ass of urself
seems like rohith is in good spirits now.. nice retort.. and to everybody else, better heed to rohith... what he said is correct. no arguments there. bristow, enough fire in this post already. think it's time to move on to the next one.. :D
@ rohit
excessive use of abusive words is by no means the expression of facts but mere exhibition of the minute-temperament you possess. elusive comments and beating around the bush trying to manipulate the comments you made previously won't shroud the reality and the fact that you dislike Tata's proposal for a gigantic auto mobile revolution.
Socialistic ideologies have been again brought up to an appreciable level by Mr. Tata and i express my appreciation for him in this context. Legend meant wha he said and the inner depth of his comments wouldn't be caught by a mere glance at his post, rather only by a through reading and comprehension.
So, beat it!!!
buzzing off
@ Rohith
First of all,let me tell you, roads are to be made for vehicles and it's not practical to build roads and then design a car for it. And Sami 'd written an outstanding retaliation for your queries. And if it feels like stupid ideologies, it's just because of your ineptitude. He tried to make you understand the outdated systems prevailing in our state,(though the comments seems a bit offensive).
Anyway try to abate the use of atrocious words. You should try to admit the palpability.
So I think you got the crux:)
@ bristow
it's not a'bt getting the crux. the point of discussing here is to evolve into something better. there's no point in throwing mud over each other and getting into a bitter brawl. if you don't benefit from it, there's no use criticizing each other over something that is bitterly irrelevant to the discussion,. that's why i asked to kill it right here.
n let me remind u all of one thing. it's saami who brought the social service thing into question here, asking the author to stop B.Tech and go for service. doesn't it mean that he's not doing any service? then how can he proclaim his services, when it's he who made the statement in the first place.?
anyway, better we stop this here, unless somebody want to say something related to the topic.
@ devi
da.. its tit for tat.. sami made some offensive remarks(not abuses).. so I replied to it in quite the same fashion.. If those words were all too offensive and abusive , pls pardon me.. I wont repeat it.. but don't forget, its YOUR "LEGEND" who started it...
and one more thing.. Bristo, sami n urself are firing words like Ive challenged a universal truth and u people are trying to convinve me.. stop doin it. Different people, different point of views. I n nivil may sound parallel at times in this matter, may not be so in everycase. A thing can be viewed in different perspectives.. I juz tried to convey it throu ma comment. Bristo gave me a reply but Sami wuz all set to quarrel, so the debate went on.. it should end today or tomoro, why not today..?
one more thing, pls dont tell me " .. legend meant wat he said..." . You meant what you said, ej meant what he said , and so is the case with me.. None has had a difference in his/her stand throughout this discussion.. so take care of ur words the nex time..
@ bristow
da... I don't know why u are not ready to accept the fact that a thing can be viewed in many different perspectives.. And why the hell are u all stickin urselves with sami.. he has written 'some' facts, not all.. ok..?
pinne ingane artham manasilakkan pattatha mathiri ezhuthalle.. pls write in ordinary english whiile writing a reply to me atleast.. othiri dictionary nokkan vaiyya(onnu thamaashichatha)... anyway good writing man
@ rohith
When the thoughts are righteous and the fact that one stands for is the only truth existent, its obvious that me or sethu the legend would stand for it, and so shall bristow. The quarrel isn't about the perspectives , its the difference between what's right and what's wrong. though our affinity to socialism and other associated ethics is known to you all, we still consider the motion of tata in bringing out the people's car for the better part of it which is nothing but opening the eyes of our leaders for immediate developmental actions with respect to roads and other corresponding amenities that would become, in matter of time, substantially crucial as more vehicles start ruling the roads.
the authorities concerned would have to enervate their sleepy brains to jump in for the action that would set in as soon as the new cars are launched. more safety precautions and more regulatory measures mould make driving more a pleasure ride than what it is now, a juggle for life.
again the usage of coarse but less offensive language was adopted by sami for reasons unknown but nevertheless he's been able to let you know what he meant. and when the opinions are alike what's wrong in supporting him than bowling out the same words again??
nivil and you yourself aren't ready to accept the perspectives we are withholding and come out and see the better aspects this project shall bring about in the society. perspectives differ, but not facts.
hope I have made my point crystal clear.
@ bristow
suggestion: when you comment, let not it be known to others that you use a thesaurus. the previous comment was a give-away.
appreciating the quality of the words and the effort you put forward in bringing out such diverse opinions from people who wouldn't have, otherwise gotten a chance to express these comments in any other scenario.
hope ej, sami and rohit would agree to me atleast in this regard. i did not comment previously only to see the way this discussion is moving to.
good work
The use of that words are intended to 'chori' Rohith:), just because Sami said so. And definitely I'm ready to accept facts(if it seems like one). I'm not sticking to Sami, but I just said that I like the way Sami presents the facts.
Don't feel anything bad, just take it in the spirit.:)
@ bristow
man, it's not yet time to play the good samaritan.
lemme ask u the same thing u've asked rohith n me. we both made it clear that we're not against development of technology, but only a'bt the aptness of nano as a boon. u ppl are clinging on to your viewpoints. and like u said, u can also try changing your line of thought for a moment and understand what i and rohith were trying to point out..
I'm not playing the role of good samaritan, there is nothing worth to continue our discussions like this, you are not ready to change your views and so does we, so I thought of stopping this discussion, anyway I don't mind continuing the discussion till our govt provides us with prominent facilities which are for our future life and Do you think Nivil, the rate in increase of automobiles will decrease year after year? Anyway I don't think so.
After all no law or Govt can ask TATA to stop production of cheap cars and to manufacture luxury cars.
one suggestion
please read each other's comment once more
i dont know why you people are taking it in a wrong way
and surely
Again... No comments over the post..
Oh... Thankyou Rama....
Watching and waiting eagerly for knowing what's happening out here...
** Nivil, Rohit, Legend, Bristo, Devidas........ aarum vittu kodukkaruthu.. Fight cheyyoo... :)
@ bristow
surely, the number of cars are not going to decrease. and unless the government takes some fast action, we'll always be struck in the way of progress like this.
if u've been reading papers, u'' notice that in Singapore, the govt only gives permission to 12,000 new cars a year which makes 1000 cars a month. also, 1000 cars are taken out of road every month, which are more than 10 years old. thus the number of cars on road never increase. it's not that we've to be so stringent, but at least something has to be done in this regard here also, i really feel.
n again frnd, u got the wrong message. nobody here asked tata to stop producing cheap cars. all that was said here was that nano's not wat tata claims it to be. it's no blessing to the middle class society, no commmitment to the general public, but just another cash cow.
@ devi
Now don't talk like you people are talking the absolute facts and we are simply buffoons... Whatever you said in your latest comment is true, none has any objection, OK ? but don't tell me "...one stands for is the only truth existent..." .. Thats either awkwardly boasting urselves out of proportion or you are somehow tryin to force all these things into our throats.. ej has said, we juz tried to express u all that the Tata Nano isn't what exactly the tata is claiming it to be, it has many banes also.. ( what all u said are on its good side, its not like its the only " truth existent " .. got me ?
Oh dear, you are an excellent, outstanding translator!!!! you translates English to English. We understood what ej 'd written. I'm ready to accept that NANO's gonna be a headache to our traffic system. But just understand what's what. We are just telling you about how the entry of TATA NANO gives wings to the dreams of the middle class people and also how it'll boost up the developments of our roads. Anyway I've already written my points. So as a cessation what I want to tell you is, I'm ready to accept that TATA NANO has disadvantages( not technically).
Let us hope our govt 'll introduce ample methods to improve the quality of our traffic systems:)
now Im sorry I really can't get wat you meant by this entry... I juz replied to devi n it doesnt hav anything against anyone's views here.. U have written some facts, devi has,sami has, so hav myself n nivil..
@ bristow
to think that jus because tata has released a super small low cost car, no government is going to mend the roads.. don't make a fool of urself with stupid comments.
I didn't mean that. What I said was, by the increase in the number of cars on our scanty roads, our govt will think of new means to rectify traffic problem...
I dont think it's so difficult to understand. Anyway as I said I've no interest in continuing discussions on this topic.
i am agree wid rohit as there will be increase in trafic, problem in parking, increase in the no. of accidents...
but my dear friend if we think of all this matter than there will be no Growth in the Nation...
Now each & every low middle class person will buy a car & fullfill his & his family dream.
Tata an Automobile firm done Great work , Again showed to the world "What indians Can Do".
This is an advancement in one technology... Now for the Above factors our GOvt. has to think wht they have to do.
cumon man tell me Why we paying taxes, Why govt. is paying much to public sectors.
Now it create competition. Definately our govt. come with new solution.
i m Sorry but your are seeing only one face of the coin..
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